Organized a ten-city tour in the United States for Friends of the Congo’s partner GOVA (A community development organization that works in the Isangi District in Province Orientale in the DRC).
Opened the Andree Blouin Cultural and Leadership Center in Kinshasa, DRC.
Provided scholarships for 34 new Lumumba Scholars for the 2018/19 school year at several universities in Kinshasa, DRC.
Secured international training in South Africa and Tanzania for Friends of the Congo’s youth partners engaged in social justice organizing in the DRC.
Participated in social justice and PanAfrican conferences in Ghana, Senegal and Tunisia.
Mobilized global awareness to secure the release of two of our social justice activists release from military detention in Kinshasa, DRC
Organized students and community activists in over 70 countries and 500 university campuses and communities since 2008 to participate in Congo Week
Partnered with Maysles Cinema and True-Walker Productions to present the eleventh annual Congo in Harlem Film and Performance Series.
Completed the eleventh annual Breaking the Silence Speakers Tour by visiting three countries, several provinces in Canada and 10 states in the U.S.
Mobilized the Lumumba Scholars to refurbish health clinic in Masina commune in preparation for medical visits for orphans and handicapped community.
Established partnership with local NGO in the old Katanga province to rescue children from the copper and cobalt mines and provide them access to education.
Worked with our local partners in Kinshasa to organize civic education film screenings on university campuses and in local neighborhoods.
Expanded the screening of Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth throughout the globe among faith groups, labor unions, environmental organizations, women’s group, university campuses, and many other outlets.