DRC: Mining Company Alphamine Suspend Operations amidst M23 Advances

Faced with the advance of the M23 and its allies as far as Walikale territory, the board of directors of the mining company #Alpha_mine has taken the decision to suspend mining operations at the company’s Bisie tin mine in Walikale territory in North Kivu province. It is also evaluating its personnel at the site.

Alphamin Bisie Mining SA is located in groupement Wasa, Wanyanga sector, territoire de Walikale, Province of North Kivu in DRC, about 160 km from the city of Goma.

The mineral reserves of the Bisie mining site are estimated at 3.33 Mt according to a technical report by the company, but this reserve is higher according to civil society actors.

Written by Akilimali Chomachoma