DRC: New FARDC Units Sent in the Tanganyika Province

The Tanganyika Province has been strengthened by new FARDC units with a new holding, including other military utensils. These uniform men have only one mission, to defend the nation against his aggressors and ensure territorial integrity. According to a dispatch of the military press managed to our writing, these elements of the FARDC garrison, were deployed for a routine and training exercise, which is part of the evaluation of operational capacities.

 General Dunia, has, at the end of this physical exercise, which has been dealt with by a parade, indicated that it also aimed to ensure the population of the Kalemie and the hinterland country that the FARDC still remains ready to defend territorial integrity.

 The commander of the Sector, Usalama reminded the mission assigned to them, to: to secure the Republic, its population and borders; The defense of territorial integrity and support the PNC.

Written by Patient Izungu